Erland Samuel Bring's "Transformation of Algebraic Equations"
We translate Erland Samuel Bring's treatise Meletemata quaedam Mathematica circa Transformationem Aequationum Alebraicarum (Some selected mathematics on the Transformation of Algebraic Equations) written as his Promotionschrift at the University of Lund in 1786, from its Latin into English, with modern mathematical notation.
Bring (1736 - 98) made important contributions to algebraic equations and obtained the canonical form x^5+px+q = 0 for quintics before Jerrard, Ruffini and Abel. In due course, he realized the significance of the projective curve which now bears his name: the complete intersection of the homogeneous Fermat polynomials of degrees 1,2,3 in CP^4.
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The reader is referred to “Erland Samuel Bring” at the MacTutor.
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L. Yang, “Modular curves, invariant theory and e8.” Available at arXiv:1704.01735, 2017.
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